A series of online workshops for Waldorf teachers In this 5-part workshop series, presented virtually in two-hour Saturday morning sessions taking place from October through March, participants will delve into Waldorf pedagogical theatre’s unique world, exploring its educational principles and practical applications with a focus on middle and high school grades. We will consider why […]
A Series of online, topic-focused workshops for new and experienced Waldorf early childhood educators Sunbridge's EC Insights workshop series creates opportunities for Waldorf early childhood teachers of all experience levels to gain new insights in a supportive circle of early childhood colleagues. Designed as a response to requests from early childhood educators who wish to continue […]
A workshop for educators, administrators, Board members, and staff Background In spring 2020, following the murder of George Floyd, American society underwent a racial awakening. During this time, the Waldorf movement was also awakening to the undeniable fact that racism exists within Waldorf education. Conceived of against this backdrop, Calling It Like It Is: […]